I compiled this list for a workshop I co-facilitated in winter 2023 called Surviving Covid, Together. I plan on updating it regularly :) 

Why we should still care about COVID

Disability Justice Primer by Sins Invalid 

Pandemic Nihilism, Social Murder, and the Banality of Evil by Nate Holdren

Mask Off: The end of the last remaining Covid protections deepens the categorical exclusion of the vulnerable By BEATRICE ADLER-BOLTON and DEATH PANEL

“The Beyblade Strategy” or: How We Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Focused Protection By ARTIE VIERKANT, BEATRICE ADLER-BOLTON and DEATH PANEL 

Abled-Bodied Leftists Cannot Abandon Disabled Solidarity to “Move On” From COVID
Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha 

You Are Not Entitled To Our Deaths: COVID, Abled Supremacy & Interdependence by Mia Mingus 


What is Covid-19

How Covid Spreads

Why Mask Mandates Work

Layers of Protection

Instructions for proper self-testing

What to do if you get COVID

What the end of the public health emergency means 

An in-depth break down by the Kaiser Family Foundation

Ways to access care after the end of the PHE

Project N95 community conversation on the end of the PHE

Biden Hands the Covid Response to the Private Market, Endangering Us All by Artie Vierkant and Beatrice Adler-Bolton

Find out about COVID stats*


Walgreens Covid-19 Index 

Covid Act Now Risk Alerts 

Waste Water Data 

*keep in mind that as local and national public health agencies shift away from COVID prevention and monitoring and testing becomes less accessible, stats will be unreliable. Err on the side of caution and assume more viral spread than reported. 


Kaiser Family Foundation Global Covid-19 Tracker  






Long Covid 

Long Covid: what do the latest data show?

Long Covid Justice 

Air Filtration

How to Build a Corsi-Rosenthal Box 

Helpful organizations and guides for safety and solidarity

People’s CDC 

Covid Inclusion 

Advanced Covid FAQ 

Safer In-Person Gatherings

Check if your rapids tests are expired 

People’s CDC Urgency of Equity Safer Schools Toolkit  

Death Panel Podcast